Healthy Beetroot Juice

If vitality has color, it must be beetroot color. Prepare a healthy juice with ginger, carrot, pineapple and a few leaves of fresh basil.
Beetroot is currently one of the most talked about vegetables in terms of its nutritional benefits and there are have been several studies conducted globally about the positive effects of drinking beetroot juice. Beetroot keep the blood vessels dilated,meaning tat high blood pressure is reduced and stamina, in both the elderly and also athletes, is improved due to the increased oxygen uptake capability.
This juice is also loaded with vitamin B, C, beta-carotene, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Appetizer, Drinks
Servings 1


  • Juicer


  • 1/4 (peeled) pineapple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 small bulb beetroot
  • 1.5 cm.slice ginger root
  • 4 sprigs basil leaves (fresh)
  • 1 small handfull ice


  • Peel the pineapple
  • Juice all the ingredients. If you are using a centrifugal (fast) juicer, make sure you sandwich the basil and ginger in between eveything else to ensure maximum juice extraction.
  • Pour over ice. Enjoy.
Keyword beetroot, carrots, detox, freshbasil, ginger, Healthy, juice, pineapple, vitality

Healthy beetroot juice is perfect when you need to cleanse your body. It will be perfect after a great feast. It will cleanse the body of harmful substances, and in return provide the power of vitamins and minerals. Not only the liver will be grateful, but the entire digestive system. The earthiness of the beetroot, the sweetness of carrots and pineapples, the sharp claw of ginger – all come together wonderfully in this cleansing juice.